Homage to Henri Cartier-Bresson

On occasion, I intentionally take a photo that reflects the work of another photographer. Homage to Henri Cartier-Bresson is such a photo. With it I pay respect to a photographer whose images have given me great pleasure and taught me much.

During my early photographic life, I tried not to repeat the work of other photographers. I studied the masters of the field but did not purposefully mirror their work. Looking back on my earlier photos, I now see how strongly I was influenced by others.

About twenty-five years ago, while reading a history of the Impressionists, I began to understand the relationship between history and innovation. Up until then, I had thought that innovative art, science, writing, etc. were monumental breakthroughs: sudden leaps forward in awareness. Such thinking had inhibited me. I am not a monumental thinker, so how could I hope to add something unique to the ageless discussion or art and humanity? I also worried that what creativity I had was finite and would disappear.

I realized that breakthroughs are incremental. It is the creative work of many lessor known people that forms the foundation on which a great innovator builds. I let go of my youthful pretense and decided to follow my passion without worrying about becoming something that I was not equipped to be.

This was a freeing moment. Gradually, subconscious restraints fell away. Photography, which had always given me pleasure now became even more rewarding. I began to think more creatively.

Today, I am in a comfortable place, I know my role, and I’m following a clear path. By nature, I am a plodder with the temperament of a craftsman: methodical, master of my tools, and a stickler for detail. I have always been incrementally creative and now I have confidence that my creativity is not going to abandon me. It is a learned skill.

My passion for photography is as intense as ever and I am free to pursue it in whatever direction it takes me. I am free to pay respect to Henri Cartier-Bresson.

This print is available for purchase in my store, or you can contact me by email.

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