Surprise! I’m A Democrat, Liberal and Fiscal Conservative

I’ve been pondering how definitions no longer seem to hold any validity, seeing as how the GOP loves to invent alternative facts to go along with their fictions world view. So, I took a close look at my own beliefs, facts and world view and made a startling discovery. I am a fiscal conservative. Here’s what I mean.

I believe that if the government taxes us, as individuals and businesses, then it is responsible to spend it wisely, aiming for the greatest positive impact and efficiency. This is done through a totally transparent law-making process in which there are no last-minute additions or unrelated riders tacked on. When budgeting, lawmakers need to be clear about four things: the goals, the methods to achieve them, the metrics by which progress can be measured, and a process to use positive feedback to improve results. It’s simple and to the point: what do you want to do and why, how much will it cost, how do we know if it is working, and how do we make it better?

That’s it.

True fiscal conservatives say that they are interested in the efficient and effective operation of government, not necessarily its size. Government is the tool for the people to use to address pressing issues. The size of government and its complexity is based on the size and complexity of the problems being tackled. Setting an arbitrary limit on the size of government or cutting budgets to hinder the government’s ability to work on problems it is chartered to handle is not fiscally responsible. It is wasteful both in the short and long-term.

Genuine fiscal conservatives believe in investing in the future by investing in our commonwealth, such as education, infrastructure, and health. You do that and jobs will follow and prosperity will follow. Thoughtful fiscal conservatives do not believe in the thoroughly discredited “trickle-down theory”. We real fiscal conservatives believe that the success of our nation must be shared equitably with all Americans. We believe, and it is born out by experience, that to stimulate the economy you stimulate Main Street and the benefits flow upward through the rest of society. The wealthy can wait for their fair share.

Despite what social conservatives say, taking care of the root causes of poverty, racism, criminal justice inequality, and protecting the environment, all cost far less than ignoring them. Over time, the benefits accrued far outweigh the cost of action. Doing this results in far less suffering and need for more services, which drives up costs. Happy, healthy people cost far less than the dispirited, unhealthy poor.

So, there you have it. I’m a Democrat, Liberal, Fiscal Conservative. I believe in efficient and effective government for and by all the people.

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