Trump and the GOP’s Race to Hell

Well El Douche has taken us to a new low. It’s not a race to the bottom, it’s a race to Hell. Not surprisingly, Minnesota’s Republicans have jumped in with both feet. Hopefully it’s over their heads.

The crisis at the southern border is what to do with all the troops El Douche sends. The military says there is no crisis. Accounts from numerous world news organizations tell the same story that the “caravan” (cue the images of Arabs on camels winding through the mountains and jungles of Chiapas, Mexico) is primarily made up of very poor, frightened women, children and teenagers fleeing violence.

Trump should visit the border (cue video of Trump standing in an old VW bug convertible, saluting the cactus as he is driven around in the desert.)

There was a cartoon during WWII in which Bugs Bunny and others, dressed as Nazi’s, sing, “Venn der Fuhrer says dat ve are der master race, ve Heil, Heil, mit in der Fuhrer’s face.” Where’s Mel Blanc when we need him?

Sending our troops to the border as last minute political theater shows ultimate disrespect towards our military and the dedication of our service people. Our highly trained troops, many with multiple tours into harms way, aren’t props for one of Trump’s Big Lies.

Here in Minnesota, Republicans are attacking a Dem, Dan Feehan, with ads that repeat word-for-word the blatant lies that Trump spews. This ad and others are actually implying that Democrats and Liberals pose a threat to the US.

This is the next step in dehumanizing fellow Americans and preparing the American people for violence against our own.

Because we Liberals and Democrats believe in peaceful and respectful resolution of issues it is easy for the White Nationalists and their like to mistake us for victims. After all, that is how they see themselves.

We are not victims. Over decades our champions have been murdered, our members brutalized and killed, and our values lied about and denigrated. Yet, here we are, standing tall against the continuing threats from a gang of broken human beings, whose only identities are as victims.

We, Exist, Resist, and Persist. We Shall Over Come!!!

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