Ukraine: Setting Things Straight

Ukraine Fights for Its Life
NATO totters towards Putin’s Plan B

Is Europe, with the acquiescence of Biden, about to cave before Russian aggression?

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine approaches it’s 4th month of slaughter, some NATO members are talking about pushing Ukraine to give up a portion of its occupied land to provide Putin a face-saving out. The fear is that Putin will employ nuclear weapons and that he may spread his invasion into other vulnerable nations like Finland, the Baltic States, Georgia and Moldova. He can keep the area he’s captured, in return for peace. By sacrificing 20% of Ukraine perhaps everyone else will be safe. Chamberlain would be proud.

This is playing into Putin’s Plan B. If he can’t take his objectives by force, he can secure them through threats and brutal attacks against civilians. And, as we’ve had seen, Putin’s word is worth nothing. He can not be trusted. So why base the future on an agreement with a man you know you can’t trust and who has a history of bloody aggression.

History is replete with examples of how the US and Europe have failed to answer the cries for help by other people fighting for their freedom; Hungary – 1956, Czechoslovakia’s Prague Spring – 1968, the betrayal of the Kurds – 2019, and others. Is the US and NATO about to try to force Ukraine to surrender its territory because they (we) don’t have the stomach to do what is necessary?

Simple Truth Anything short of defeating the Russians in Ukraine and liberating the areas currently occupied, including Crimea, is a defeat for the West and only sets the stage for another conflict in a few years.

I think Henry Kissinger was one of the first to suggest Ukraine should conceded land for peace. A close look at Kissinger’s career should warn all of us. His Machiavellian Politik is worn out and belongs on the dump pile of history.

So, if I were speaking directly to Biden and NATO I would say, “You have a moral obligation to ensure Ukraine defeats Russia. Being willing to sacrifice Ukraine to shield ourselves is cowardice. What is needed is a rapid rearmament and resupply. Quit clutching your pearls and kick our bureaucratic system in the butt. Get the Ukrainians what they need, including long-range artillery and missiles.”

As for Putin, “NATO and the US have no intention of setting foot on Russian soil or demanding regime change. We are and will continue to provide all the weapons Ukraine needs to defend itself and recapture land occupied by Russian forces. “

“If Russia uses chemical and/or biological weapons, the US and NATO will launch counter strikes with powerful conventional weapons on Russian positions in Ukraine and in Russia along its border with Ukraine. NATO and the US will not use nuclear weapons unless Russia uses them first. In which case, we will respond in kind. Period. ”

Now is not the time to blink.

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