
We are at War! Just as certainly as the Greatest Generation was during World War 2, we are now too. Today the war is a shadow war, undeclared, yet just as real. Americans are suffering and dying.

We have been attacked repeatedly, starting in 2015 and continuing until today. Over time, the attacks have become more sophisticated and deadly. All the while, our leader, Donald J Trump has done everything in his power to make us ever more vulnerable to these attacks. We are at war and being led by a traitor.

The Russians have mounted ransomware cyber attacks against hospitals across the nation. These raids lock medical files and online medical services such as diagnostic technology and lab results. Ransoms must be paid to free these files. There is always the danger that there will be another attack or the files have been altered and shared. During the best of times this can be deadly but during a pandemic, this amounts to mass murder. We are vulnerable to cyber attack on many levels including national infrastructure and our elections. The Russians are not dropping bombs on our cities, rather they are launching digital torpedoes into the heart of our American society.

This war is in each of our homes, directed at us individually. During the American Revolution, the Civil War and the World Wars, Americans were targeted with enemy propaganda that they resisted. Today is different. Because we live in an interconnected world the enemy can tailor their propaganda and threats to specific groups and individuals. We are all on the frontline as never before.

To defend ourselves we must vote in overwhelming numbers so that no matter how Trump and the Republicans try to suppress the vote, there remains a clear and decisive defeat of their traitorous gang.

If you have an absentee ballot and for some reason you have not already submitted it, get off your ass and do it now! Do Not Mail It. It Is Too Late. Go to the nearest ballot collection station and drop it off. If you cannot get to a ballot drop off, you can have a friend take it for you. One person can deliver up to 3 other people’s ballots. Or go to the polls on Nov. 3. You can register at the polling station and then vote.

Every vote counts. History will remember.

What else can we do? We can remain calm. We can be patient, knowing that the election results will not be complete on election night. We can resist calling an early winner and arbitrary deadlines, and demand that all votes be counted.

We must stay informed and carefully evaluate what we read and hear. Our enemies, Russia, China, Iran and others are going to try to tear us apart. We must be resolute and united.

Let this be our finest hour, as we remain calm and united, determined to see this fight through to victory. In times of great peril there are great opportunities to become much more than we ever thought was possible. Let us be the best that we can be. History will remember.

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