Thank You John Lewis, R.I.P

Representative John Lewis, Civil Rights Leader, Man of Integrity and Courage

Friday night, Congressional Representative John Lewis died of cancer. He was 80 years old. An icon of the Civil Rights Movement, he was a man of integrity. He was a man of courage, as he demonstrated many times through his life. He was a genuine Hero who battle hatred and brutality with non-violence. John Lewis could see a bright future for African Americans and all of the people of the United States. He devoted his life to getting there.

Right now, the future appears bleak. Racism and bigotry have sprouted openly, like a poisonous weed, and bullies have been emboldened.

However, the life of John Lewis is a powerful example of what a person can do in the face of ancient hatreds. We Americans, regardless of the color of our skin, faith, gender identification, age or any other descriptor that is used to divide us, have a shared destiny to fulfill.

Our foes are strong but not as strong as our shared faith in our better angles and the power of non-violence.

Thank you John Lewis for your life-long example of courage in the face of racism and the shadow of cancer. Rest In Peace, Sir. There are many more who will carry on in your name.

The image of Representative John Lewis is based on a photo by Eric Etheridge.
His photo has appeared in Wired and on the Family Action Network website.
Thank you Mr. Etheridge.

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