
Resist, Persist, Triumph

Let me get this straight, the Republicans at the behest of Trump, have expressed an interest in extending his first term by 2 years to make up for the time “lost” due to the Mueller Report. Republicans always play the victim and sidestep accepting responsibility for their actions.

In 2017, a poll asked Republicans if they would be okay with postponing federal elections if Trump wanted it. A majority said yes, they would be willing to obstruct democracy if it served Trump’s purpose.

These are the people we are dealing with; a minority successfully bullying the majority. Most Democrats, particularly the moderates and old guard who, apparently, have no clue about the immediate threat of climate change or how to deal firmly with a traitor and his supporters.

With all that in mind and a modest knowledge of history, I am ready to pronounce my prophesy, a la Nostradamus and the prophets of the Old Testament. Like those ancient gas bags, I’m going to be intentionally hazy about the dates because, unlike those old farts that pulled prophetic messages out of their asses, I acknowledge that the following depends on the patience and intent of the public and all the players. The sequence of events may change. But each event will occur.

I see, I see, I see a shit storm coming our way and there is no way to avoid it. 

  1. By the end of 2019 there will be blood in the streets. Demonstrators continue to be demonized until Fascist bully boys can’t refrain themselves and attack.
  2. There will be an act that will outrage the Trump supporters and give them the excuse to say that we need firm authoritarian leadership. Most likely, the trigger will be an attack on Trump supporters. It’s likely that it will be a false flag operation, in which Trump has his own people attacked so he can blame the Democrats and the Left.
  3. The violence, perpetrated by Trump supporters will be used as an excuse to impose some form of martial law, curtailing habeas corpus. It won’t be to control the bullies, rather it will be to blame the Left, further demonizing them.
  4. The prisons that are now being emptied of non-violent offenders, marijuana convictions etc.. What will happen with all these open cells, particularly in the privately run, for profit, prisons? Why not round up Protestors, Lefties, and anyone who doesn’t go along with the fascist plan and lock them up.
  5. Trump will start a war or police action that will give him the excuse to say in his re-election campaign, “Don’t Change Horses in Mid-stream.”
  6. Trump’s supporters will swagger around intimidating anyone one they don’t like, including any Republican not “loyal” enough. Remember the Night of the Long Knives in Germany? Hitler purged his own people of all but the most loyal, killing or jailing anyone found lacking.
  7. All through this process, Trump and his Fascists will demonize people of color and force through even more restrictive voting regulations against them. 
  8. In due course, people will start disappearing, either sent to some distant prison or being disappeared by death squads.
  9. The climate continues to collapse, our nation will become a footnote in history as we descend into moral, ethical, and political impotence.
  10. Our planet Earth will rapidly fall apart and within our lifetimes we will see the start of the collapse of human civilization.
  11. Eventual extinction.

Question: When will most Americans, cease waiting for a Savior, realize that they are their own Saviors, and get to the hard work of holding the Fascists to account? Will we Americans have the balls to defend Democracy or will we slump back into our couches and jerk-off to reruns of Friends?

If we don’t save our nation from the barbarians, the entire world will suffer.

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