Forgotten Photographs

1936 Dodge
Columbus, Ohio 1972

In my last post, And Now, For Something Completely Different, I shared a photograph of the Flatiron Building in New York City, by my friend Peter Seiger, a skilled architectural photographer. The photo is from a scanned 35mm negative.

It got me thinking about a project I’m working on, organizing my 60 years of photography into a searchable archive. I’ll need to live to 100 to finish it. The process involves looking at every roll of film, every batch of slides, and the piles of prints I’ve made over the decades. I evaluate what is worth keeping and what can be tossed. What I keep I then transfer from old negative sheets, boxes, envelopes, into archival storage materials. I finish by entering data on each roll of film, box of slides, individual prints, and digital files into a database I designed. The goal is to have something to hand off to someone who might see an historical value in what I’ve done. Otherwise, it’ll end up in a landfill or a glorious pyre.

Peter’s photo motivated me to apply the techniques he’s been using to a photo I recently rediscovered; 1936 Dodge, Columbus, Ohio, 1972. It’s from a scanned 35mm, b/w negative also. The result is above.

There’s always room for beauty and finding new ways to create it.

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And Now, For Something Completely Different

Flatiron Building, New York City
Photographer Peter J. Sieger

I am fortunate to live in an area that is home to a number of creative people. One, is my friend and neighbor Peter Sieger. He is, in my humble opinion, one of the best architectural photographers around. Pete’s photo of the Flatiron Building is the most striking of any I’ve ever seen.

This morning, he and I had coffee at my favorite cafe, Patisserie 46. We sipped, munched, and talked photography. We compared notes and, as usual, I learned a lot from his work. He’s got me thinking about a couple of new techniques for black/white images that has me salivating, like one of the Patisseries’ confections.

I thought I’d share Peter’s Flatiron Building. It’s beautiful and provides a welcome rest from the garish world we live.

Peter’s photographs can be found on Flickr.

Flatiron Building, copyright, Peter J. Sieger

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The Hardest Job In The World

Joe Biden, 46th President of the United States

I burn a lot of energy attempting to understand my fellow Americans. I consider the context of their lives and try to empathize as best I can. Yet, there are days when I think, “What’s the matter with us?” A perfect example is President Biden’s drop in his job approval ratings.

I thought we Americans, after 4+ years of ineptitude and lunacy, would appreciate a new President who makes his decisions on evidence-based facts and seeks advice from experienced experts.

To be clear, Biden is not perfect. He’s human. I understand that. I have several bones to pick with him, such as declaring a Climate Emergency and using the powers that come with it to expedite our responses to our dire situation. Time has run out for business as usual.

However, I am not a single issue voter. I take into account the complexity of Biden’s responsibilities. Considering where we’ve been, I think he’s doing the best he can. Lest we forget, he has the hardest job in the world and he’s been at it for less than 9 months. Regarding all he has accomplished, some credit is due.

At last we have a seasoned leader who is able to make decisions for the good of the country, knowing full well that his personal popularity will suffer. Yet, he is still willing to take the hit. Biden takes responsibility for his actions. No scapegoating at the expense of the most vulnerable Americans. No attempting to gain political power at the expense of our democracy.

Consider what Biden’s got to deal with. Each issue would have, in a time of sanity, taken the air out of a room. But he’s juggling at least 10 that I can think of.

  • Ending the 20 Year Afghanistan War
  • Defending Democracy
  • Education
  • Climate Change
  • Economy
  • Racial Equity
  • Health Care
  • Immigration
  • Restoring America’s Global Standing

According to the polling analysis site Five Thirty Eight, updated today, Biden’s approval rating is below 50% for the 4th week in a row. I expect low ratings from the usual suspects. Republicans are an old, blind one-trick pony. Once a legitimate political party, the GOP has given up any pretense of being anything but a fascist mob interested only in power. I don’t look to them for anything but self-serving lies and acts of violence.

Polls provide a valuable service when done properly, with a methodology that asks clear, unambiguous questions and accounts for pollster bias. It is important to remember that a single poll is a snapshot of a moment with limited usefulness. Over time, a series of polls can identify a potential trend of thinking and the emotions behind it.

It is important to understand the concerns and motivations of all of our fellow Americans. It is one of the corner stones of our democracy; an informed electorate able to rationally evaluate the issues and arrive at decisions that, while protecting the rights of individuals also safeguards the common good and rights of all members of society.

What do the polls show us? We are a nation divided by reality and illusion, with the power to govern skewed towards the unreal, unfounded, and conspiratorial. In addition, because of this destructive inclination we have become confused about the roles of government and citizen. Some of us have begun to doubt the effectiveness of democracy.

The President’s polls reflect all of this. In 2020 we desperately wanted a genuine leader and in 2021 we have one. Are we able to move beyond complaining? Are we able to work together towards a future with the civil and just society most of us want?

Our future is dismal if we don’t tackle the difficult issues that threaten us; climate change, inequality, insurrection, and an economic model that undermines our common good. To confound our attempts to solve these threats, the corrosive torrent of Republican lies and delusions eat away at our confidence in the noble aspects of our society and government. They waste our precious time with unfounded accusations. They use name calling and violence to spread fear. The GOP and fellow travelers want chaos and fear which they use to distract us from the vital work at hand. They fear a civil society with its shared economy, social justice, and the ability to pursue one’s happiness. A world of inclusion, fairness, and peace is poison to those who wish to retreat from their personal responsibilities and seek leaders whose desires are for personal power and absolute control.

Biden represents our desire for a civil society. To achieve that goal, we need to remember that through our varied experiences and aspirations we carry the seeds of our redemption as a people and species. Our strength comes from standing together and using our diversity to confound those that wish us harm.

In a truly free world, criticism isn’t a reason for division. It is an invitation for joining together in creative problem solving and celebrating of our diversity.

Today, we struggle with those that have given up on the future and are trying to retreat to a mythical past. Their path leads to destruction.

The future is ours if we choose it. Let us continue to embrace reality, face the many crisis that threaten us, and remain true to the best that we Americans and our United States represent. Our path leads to transformation.

Image of President Biden is based on the official White House portrait by Adam Schultz. Attribution 3.0 United States (CC BY 3.0 US) and according to CC BY 3.0, my artwork is also CC BY 3.0.

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Labor Day 2021

Liberal with French Roast

Over Labor Day I did what I love most, write. For me, every day is a writing day, Labor Day being no different. My routine begins with plowing through my email looking for items of interest. These gems direct me to news articles that in turn me point me towards their sources. I dive into the rabbit hole. My goal is to go beyond the news, to view what is behind the curtain. This produces both pleasure and pain.

The pleasure comes from learning. My world expands and I feel more connected. I am energized when my beliefs are challenged.

The pain comes from what I learn. Our fragile world is perilously close to destruction and with it the incredible future we might have, if we act.

In spite of the pain, this is what gets me up in the morning, discovery!

Being Labor Day, I found myself laboring over two pieces.

One has to do with Climate Change and its impact on what we call work. Is our current definition of meaningful work still relevant and, if not, then what is a better concept?

Workers are more vulnerable than ever because of the destructive powers unleashed by our warming globe. What can we do to protect workers from emotional and financial collapse, which in turn protects our society and nation? And, what is our responsibility for both causing and then undoing, if possible, this deadly climate emergency?

I’ve been hammering away at this for a few days, attempting to create a fine honed blade of Damascus Steel. I’d wanted to post it today, but there is more work at the forge and anvil before it is cooled by comments from readers and its temper tested. Consider this a teaser.

My second piece, the one you are reading, is about one of my favorite wordsmith tool. It’s a finely balanced hammer that I use to pound on my thoughts and words until the dull slag falls away and bright metal appears.

It is Scrivener, an authoring suite that provides all the features a writer needs to, as Scrivener states, “Scrivener is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. Scrivener won’t tell you how to write—it simply provides everything you need to start writing and keep writing.” This is exactly what my experience has been. I can start a project with a single blank sheet, open a template that provides the structure for any genre I want to write, or develop a custom template to meet my specific needs.

I am chaotic writer with a bit of ADD. I have difficulty outlining a piece until I’m well into my first draft. And even then, I often change my emphasis in response to new information and ideas. Often the idea that began the project morphs into something unexpected by the end. Scrivener is very flexible and gives me the room to wander while keeping all the iterations of my work, a map of my journey. This non-destructive workflow provides the ability to retrieve earlier versions that have been saved automatically or manually. If you are more organized, Scrivener provides ways to organize and outline to whatever degree you might want.

Because Scrivener’s flexibility and productive features there is a learning curve. However, how steep it is depends on the experience and personality of the user. What I can say is that it has simplified my work flow, making composition more fluid and data easier to find.

For example, before Scrivener, when digging for information, I would end up with piles of handwritten notes, numerous PDF’s riddled with comments, various Word and LibreOffice ODF files, and links to web pages. I would end up leafing through a number of screens to retrieve the data was looking for. It was confusing, slow, and provided opportunities for distraction. For me, that’s a big deal.

With Scrivener, it is easy to import and store in my project all the resources I need, including audio, graphic, photo, and video files. Likewise, reading and annotating any file is simple. In addition, multiple editors can be open simultaneously providing the ability to jump between documents quickly. And, within each editor I can use the file history list to instantly navigate to files previously displayed in that editor. This puts all of my materials at my fingertips.

Lastly, support is good with an Interactive Tutorial, a comprehensive User Manual, and Video Tutorials. Best of all, it only costs $49.00 for computers and $19.99 for iOS.

I highly recommend it.

If interested in giving Scrivener a look, there is a free trial version. For more information go to Scrivener, a product of Literature and Latte . Another product they offer is Scapple, a mind-mapping tool that integrates with Scrivener allowing the transfer of information between the programs.

BTW This is an unpaid endorsement of Scrivener by an enthusiastic user.

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Competing Views Make Me Think

Liberal with French Roast
Copyright © 2021

Facebook is a great place to hear competing views. They inform me of other people’s perceptions of the world. I welcome them because it means that someone has read what I’ve posted and then felt compelled to respond. I can’t ask more than that.

To those who challenge me, thank you.

You make me think.

For example. The following is a comment about a piece I wrote, United States No Longer.

Les, you are so wrong about the GOP…. We are the ones who want to save this country. Biden is killing everything that is American. His allowing thousands of immigrants to come in without Covid testing or vetting is absolutely despicable! And Yes, thousands of Afghanistani people were airlifted out….. but not those that risked their lives over 20 years to help our military. They are stuck and may be tortured and killed thanks to Biden’s absurd manner he “ended this war”! And dealing with the Taliban, letting them call the shots which led to the deaths of 13 brave soldiers, and hundreds of Afghanistan people, us heart wrenching!! They are the enemy, not our friends!! How can you even begin to trust that senile, idiot who is destroying our country? He’s a joke, he can only read and stumbling at that, from a teleprompter, words written by others, and he has made America a laughing stock worldwide. You use lots of “big words”, Les, to express your opinion, but I’m sorry you are so blinded about what has happened to this country. I grieve for my children and grandchildren since they are the ones that will try to deal with this mess! I for one am scared where we are heading …… I only hope this leftist ideology can be reversed soon, before it’s too late for our children. What’s happening now is not what our forefathers wrote in our Constitution. God help us all.

My response was;

So good to hear from you.

I understand your point of view but respectfully point out that by the time we started the final pull out, our leverage on the ground was about 0. We had a straightforward choice, get out of Dodge or Gunfight at the OK Corral. After 20 years at the corral a change was long overdue. Also, with the Afghan’s governing infrastructure and army fading away overnight, there was no way to ensure getting all of our Afghan allies out safely.

Besides, a military withdrawal from a battlefield is always a shit show.

I agree that the Afghan people, particularly women and girls are in great danger. Hopefully, 20 years of American political and cultural influences have modified Taliban thinking. They appear to be aware that they need global recognition and support if they want to have a stable Islamic Emirate. Besides, they have the example of Iran’s modern society which, while under a mistaken interpretation of Islamic teachings and Sharia Law, still allows women a greater degree of freedom and respect than, say our Saudi Arabian allies.

Thankfully we no longer have our fellow Americans trapped in an endless war that cost us 2,448 dead service personnel, 3,846 dead contractors, and about $300,000,000 a day.

As for Biden’s apparent mental feebleness, have you seen the movie, The King’s Speech? Biden has a bad stutter that would have sidelined most people. Yet, he learned to overcome both the stutter and speaking before audiences. That is an example of a person with discipline. Equating how he talks to his mental capabilities is so 20th Century.

And now, “Big Words.” I must admit that, because I’m a writer, I tend to use the English language as it was intended. Not everything can be summed it in a few words, no matter how catchy they might be. How can we discuss serious issues without words that have specific meanings, context, and emotional power? We can’t. Too much is left to speculation and inference. What I say, you hear differently and vice versa.

One thing we do share is a profound concern for our children and grandchildren. You’re right that they are inheriting a mess. We are headed down very dark roads. As a Liberal, my concern is for all our children regardless of race, creed, nationality. I see our survival as a global effort. I suspect bloodline defines whose children your concerned about.

If I understand your position, you’re scared of changes that threaten your freedom. Your concerns, I believe are social. The loss of power and control with its privileges and traditions. These are genuine. Our society is changing rapidly due to a variety of forces; economic, environmental, political, and social. The Old America is disappearing.  

The Pandemic has been a global stress test on every facet of our lives. The results are eye opening. We live in a tightly interconnected world that relies on a fragile supply chain of goods, food, and raw materials. The definition of work has changed. We now gather to work, learn, and celebrate remotely. Every time we let our guard down, a new surge of illness and death sweeps the country. Millions and millions of hard-working Americans are being left destitute and the shadow of homelessness grows darker every day.

A New America is emerging, not because of some conspiracy by the Illuminati or George Soros, but because it must if we are to survive. It is a forward-looking America, one that embraces evidence-based reality. Our challenges are, in part social, but more importantly, physical. If we don’t take dramatic, creative action to deal with human caused global warming the world we know will cease to exist. And quite likely so will we.

As a __________ fill in the blank, (Liberal, Socialist, Bleeding Heart, etc.) I see a world of even greater threats which we are leaving to all our children. I embrace change because that is all that is left. The old ways have failed us and it’s time to move forward. Scary as that may be, there is a brighter side. We can build a better America and World that is more peaceful and where everyone has the resources and opportunities to thrive as both individuals and members of an inclusive society.

Again, thank you for your comments.

Posted in Being American, Democracy, Mental Health, Politics, Public Health, United States | Comments Off on Competing Views Make Me Think

United States No Longer

As I write this my anger is intense. I must watch what I say so that I can keep some very good friends. Yet, I’m beginning to wonder if that is possible.

Tonight, has been my tipping point and I am reconsidering whether non-violence is still an option for saving our nation. The next few hours and days will determine if peace is possible.

There are several events that challenge my beliefs.

Texas is a clear indicator of what what is wrong in our nation. The actions of the Texas Governor and Legislature. When Governor Abbot signed Texas’s Draconian Anti-Abortion Ban, there was an element that got some attention but the kind it deserved. A provision in the bill is allows private citizens to sue anyone who advises, assists, or provides abortion services. Tomorrow, unless the Supreme Court stays implementation of the law, will dawn with Roe v Wade effectively dead in Texas and soon in all Republican controlled states.

This law is evil. It has flipped our legal system on its head. Rather than relying on the state to instigate lawsuits, this law deputizes everyday citizens to do it. Indeed, the law bans Texas from acting on these lawsuits. This effectively shields the Texas from the Federal Courts getting involved to protect the civil rights of all citizens.  Anyone in or out of Texas can sue any Texan, literally on hearsay. In essence, the mob has been given carte blanche to harass and destroy the lives of anyone who provides information about abortion, advises a woman to have an abortion, no matter if they are a professional family planning councilor, a religious authority, friends, family or even her husband.  Offering support as a friend, such as driving a woman to a clinic, is also verboten. Obviously, clinic administration, security, and medical staff are targets as well.

What are the penalties if you are sued and loose in court? It’s simple and expensive, $10,000 plus the accuser’s court costs. There are plenty of unethical lawyers in Texas that would gleefully feed at this trough.

Texas has given a powerful tool to evil people who are eager to use it. People who have demonstrated a willingness to use intimidation and violence, including murder, to deny a woman’s right to control her own body and her future.  

But that isn’t the only thing going on this evening.

Afghanistan, after 20 brutal and expensive years, is no longer our war. We are out. The three previous Presidents had campaigned on ending our involvement in that pointless war, yet none made it happen. True, the last president set things in motion but, as with everything else he did, it was self-serving and riddled with poor judgement. Clearly, he left Afghanistan as an IED to explode when President Biden took office.

And it worked. Biden has been criticized roundly by the Right, Left, and Center. People who knew better, got swept up in this hysterical feeding frenzy. The reaction on the Right was not surprising. What else would I expect from people who are self-serving and morally bankrupt.

Shamefully, many Democrats, the Left and informed pundits did the same thing. They displayed a fundamental flaw in my beloved Liberal-Progressive brethren. They can be self-righteous to a suicidal degree. I am disgusted with them. I suggest that everyone carefully listen to President Biden’s speech. He analyzed the situation and provided solid reasons for why we had to exit the bottomless pit of misery that is Afghanistan. It was the moral and responsible thing to do. Yes, it was chaotic and upsetting. So was the preceding 20 years. Why would any alert person think withdrawal would be otherwise?

Let us not forget the pandemic. As I write, 658,000 Americans have died from COVID. Most of these people are someone’s family, friends, and acquaintances, who need not have died. Once again, the previous president and Republican Party worked diligently to turn this American tragedy to their advantage politically and financially. After years of incessant denying and lying by the previous president, his administration, a cadre of corrupt elected GOP officials, Fox News, and various ideologues such as Rush Limbaugh, 1/3 of Americans are suffering from massive psychiatric meltdown. Their illness is tearing our nation to pieces.

I began this piece with a question. Can we save our nation through peaceful action or is violence necessary? Looking back over the last 2 decades and the ever-growing threat from the Right, the answer seems bleak.

Consider how the Right has dealt with every problem we are facing. In all cases, Republicans have refused to face issues squarely. They have preferred to create false crisis’ that allowed these underling problems to fester and get worse. Rather, they’ve taken every opportunity to spread divisive lies in a campaign of divide and conquer. The pandemic is a good example. I have come to believe that the previous president and his GOP cadre intentionally sabotaged, and continue to, because it is a cash cow and a vehicle to gather more power.

Another aspect of the GOP’s plan is the legitimization of the use of intimidation and violence. It is at the core of their push for domination. Texas’ new law promotes economic and psychological violence which, with little effort, can be open aggression against peaceful people trying to exercise their rights.

The GOP wants complete control so that they can impose their own cowboy sharia law. They are succeeding.

There is so much more that I could go into. The wars on Free Speech and Democracy, rational thinking and logic, services for children, elderly, poor and people of color, and ethics. The corruption of the GOP and its wealthy donors is in the open.

Sadly, it seems that it is impossible to reason with the Right. The grassroots base has been habituated to delusional thinking. They exist in a carefully constructed and managed alternate reality that has nothing to do with the world that most Americans and humanity lives in.

We have several existential crises racing towards us. Without concerted action and the application of science and strong Public Health measures, there is the potential that a continuous pandemic will evolve as the virus morphs into ever more deadly surges. Our democracy is collapsing as GOP states enact laws attacking our civil rights, in effect, seceding from the United States.

Most importantly is the threat the GOP and their supporters pose to our attempts to save ourselves from Global Warming. If we fail, we perish. Period. And the GOP wants nothing more than to sabotage our efforts. This can not be allowed to happen.

Violence? I still believe that we must continue to attempt to reason with individual Americans, allowing them to change their own minds and commit to our survival. At the same time, we are out of time for half-measures and obstruction. If it takes force to save the lives of our children, future generations, and life on Earth, then so be it. This is a cause worthy of shedding blood. We’ve been backed into a corner and woe to those who have taken advantage our goodwill.   

About the Image
The image is a composite, the sky and flag are individual images covered by Creative Commons usage. I manipulated both images and color corrected so that they would work together.

The Flag is by Mike Mozart, JeepersMedia, CC-BY.
The sky is by Fractal Artists, CC-BY.
The image above, Stormy Skies, is mine, CC-BY.

Posted in Being American, Citizenship, Climate Change, Coup d"etat, COVID-19, Democracy, Ethics and Morality, Justice, Mental Health, Politics, Public Health, Relationships, Science, United States | 1 Comment