Valentines Day

    Lovers at sunset, on the walls of the medieval city of Carcassone, France.

Valentines Day is a concocted business holiday like Mothers Day and Fathers Day. Created to promote the sales of greeting cards, diamonds, and chocolate. Yet, despite that, the sentiment is true and has found a ready place in our culture.

There should be a yearly celebration of love and commitment.

In our over commercialized society we have trivialized true love: not short-lived romantic passion, but the long enduring until death do we part kind of love. The kind of love that can only develop after the white-hot heat of first intimacy cools and partners learn that their lovers have flaws, deep abiding flaws that can only be lived with through acceptance.  It is the kind of love that, “For better or worse and in sickness and health.” means just that.

So on Valentines Day, reflect on what your beloved means to you. Give them a token of your love but, more importantly reaffirm the timeless deeper bond and let them know that you are in for the long haul.

Because, at some time in the future, one of you will be gone and only memories will remain. Make certain that those memories are full of love and then they will sustain the one that is left behind.


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